Since today is 10.10.10 - I've decided to name my top ten photos of all time that I have taken. These are either places that are important to me on a sentimental scale or best showcase my talent. They are in no particular order.
1. Yosemite National Park - Elizabeth Lake. This was taken back in 2005 and the two hikers in the background are my sister, Katie, and my cousin, Wyatt. I love this picture because of the snake-like river and the color contrast.
2. Tuolumne River in Yosemite National Park. Also taken in 2005. I love this picture because of its sharpness and brightness, even though it was taken before I owned my digital SLR. I love how good this picture still came out, only proves how amazing Yosemite actually is.
3. Surfers at Huntington Beach. This is one of my first action shots on my Nikon D40. I believe it was Christmas 2008, right after I got my first Nikon digital SLR and upgraded from my Fuji Finepix.
4. I love this picture because I loved my trip to England in 2004. This just happened to be one of those pictures that I wasn't thinking about when I took it, and it later became my favorite picture from the whole trip.

5. Fresno, 2007. This is one of my all time favorite photos. This was taken during my first time at FUI and we are all having a quiet retreat day. After about an hour of journaling I decided to travel the Fulton Mall and take pictures. This became my iconic picture for all things relating to Fresno and became the start of worship through photography.
6. The Big Island, Hawaii in 2006. This trip was my high school graduation present from my grandparents. They have a time share condo on The Big Island so it turned into a family vacation. This was a random drive that turned into a rainy day that turned into the best pictures from the trip.
7. Jamey and Eric's Wedding, Bakersfield, CA in April 2010. This was the first wedding I was ever a photographer for. I was so excited to be included in this celebration but also thrilled that I was one of four photographers. It really takes the stress off.
8. Jimmy and Kari's wedding in Washington. May 2010. I wasn't a photographer for this wedding but I still love how this picture turned out. Jimmy and Kari were the first InterVarsity friends of mine that are my age to get married.
9. I love taking pictures of flowers. And of the hundreds I probably have this one is by far my favorite. First off, the rose is in perfect bloom. Second, it just rained, which makes all flowers look fantastic. Third, this was right outside my house so I got to see this every day.
10. Finally the last favorite. This is also from the 2006 Hawaii trip. Not to re-state my weakness for flowers, I do love the color combination of the white and purple flowers. Another picture where I wasn't expecting it to turn out as good as it did.